
R. J. Grey Junior High School

The R.J. Grey Jr. High English Learner Education program helps students develop critical reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in one of two classes: ELE for 7th graders and ELE for 8th graders.

Goals for the ELE Student

  1. To improve fluency in the English language.

  2. To improve vocabulary.

  3. To improve reading skills.

  4. To learn the proper writing techniques for different styles of essays and in other core subjects.

  5. To prepare for MCAS.

  6. To become comfortable in the new school environment and the community.

  7. To learn to feel at ease with speaking in public.

Extra Help

Students may receive extra help in the ELE room, both during and after school hours, upon agreement with the ELE teacher. The Academic Support Center is also available for ELE students. A homework club exists for after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.



Acton-Boxborough Regional High School

English Learner Education Class (ELE) 1

ELE 1 is a separate classroom and a full year course worth 5 English high school credits, and is taught to students in the entering, emerging, and early developing ELE levels.  There is a defined curriculum of Reading Comprehension, Writing, Listening, and Speaking that is taught according to the WIDA ACCESS Assessment or W-APT.  Mentors are paired with ELE 1 students and become instrumental in the instruction.  Also, the mentors socialize with the students in class and at times, out of school, which helps the new students acclimate to the school and culture. In ELE 1, students receive 50 minutes of ELE 1 and 50 minutes of Academic Support Center.  

English Learner Education Class (ELE) 2 - 3

ELE 2 is a separately taught class of developing to bridging ELE students.  This is determined by the W-APT for new students or the WIDA ACCESS Assessment for ELEs, an interview, and a writing sample. In this class, students read short stories, learn to write progressively from paragraphs to essays and creative stories, give oral reports about literature, learn about complex grammar, and start to understand literary techniques and how authors use them.  Focus continues to be: reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking skills.  The WIDA Can Do Descriptors are used as reference so that students learn content and strategies similar to their counterparts in the mainstream English classes.

English Language Education 1 - 2 American History 1

A daily accredited history class that earns U.S. History 1 credits.  Developed with the guidance of the Social Studies Department and accepted by the District to be used as the official U.S. History 1 for English Language Learners.

The focus is on comprehension of terminology, important issues of the time periods studies, understanding of primary documentation, research, and writing improvement.  WIDA and the Social Studies Standards and Frameworks were used in the class design.  WIDA and Can-Do Descriptors are referred to during the course of lesson planning and implementation. An important goal of this course is the improvement of academic writing and reading comprehension. The development of these skills is interwoven with understanding the primary documents that follow the origins of the United States, and the concepts and skills needed to pass MCAS.


Counseling Services

Counseling at ABRHS encompasses many aspects of a student’s academic and social life.  For ELLs, the counselors are a vital part of their daily lives.  Counselors meet regularly with the students and, at times, act as an intermediary when needed between teacher and student.  Counselors offer a space for ELLs to relax, to learn about academic programs open to all students, and can be a sounding board for the students.  At ABRHS, counselors also play a vital role in giving direction for future study at community or four year colleges. When needed, translation and interpreter services are offered for new students or parents who have difficulty understanding English.

Peer Mentoring

This program provides students with an opportunity to mentor ELL students under the guidance of the ELE teacher. Members work with students in pairs or small groups. Mentors are expected to demonstrate behaviors and skills which assist ELLs in attaining academic success.

Academic Support Center

ASC students attend the program daily, no credit is given.  The ASC provides the students with extra help on class work and reinforcement of course content.  Learning how to study effectively, and developing good study skills and work habits are taught in conjunction with assigned work.  Adult staff supports students in the majority of subjects.  Peer Tutors receive training from the ASC Specialist prior to working with the ELL students.

Annual ELE Scholarship

An annual scholarship is given to a graduating senior, current or former ELL, who has a commitment to furthering his/her education.  It is based on need, scholarship, and past commitment to academics.

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